“这个经历太可怕了,这些示威者就是在普通市民中制造恐惧。”在分享完上述这些经历和观点后,Ray Kwong总结说这么做是为了给“示威者”一些不同的看待香港问题的视角,并希望“示威者”在“捍卫民主”时能够对那些支持他们的人表现出同情和怜悯,多爱一点香港,因为他们现在的做法太吓人了。
Based on our analyses up to this point (still ongoing) and additional feedback we received from colleagues and peers, I would like to add that I remain confident about the validity and strength of the scientific conclusions made in those publications and our work’s reproducibility。 Nevertheless, there is no excuse for any lapse in supervision or laboratory leadership and the concerns you raised serve as a fresh reminder to me just how important my role and responsibility are as mentor, supervisor, and lab leader; and how I might have fallen short。 I feel therefore very heavy-hearted and tremendously sorry, to my current and former students, my staff and colleagues, my peers, and the larger community。 I most sincerely apologize for any oversight on my part and any inconvenience it might have caused。 I’ll use this as an invaluable learning opportunity to do better not only in advancing science, but also in safeguarding the accuracy and integrity of science。
曝出曹雪涛论文图像异常的人,是曾供职于斯坦福大学医学院微生物学和免疫学系Elisabeth Bik博士。Elisabeth Bik对《中国新闻周刊》说,2016年起,她就辞掉工作,专职调查各类论文图像异常问题以及可能存在的学术不端。Elisabeth Bik在接受《中国新闻周刊》采访时说,早在2014年,她无意间发现了曹雪涛作为通讯作者的三篇论文有着可疑之处。这三篇论文中,有两篇分别于2004年、2007年发表在美国生物化学和分子生物学学会主办的《生物化学杂志》上,另一篇2005年见于美国癌症研究协会主办的《临床癌症研究》中。这三篇都存在着上述类似的图像问题。